Saturday, December 30, 2006

Nuqtah Hammah

Salam 'Aidil Adha dan salam imtihan buat semua sahabat seperjuangan di bumi Anbiya'.Semoga kehadiran 'Aidil adha ini memberikan kita selautan hikmah dalam mengoreksi apakah sebenarnya erti sebuah pengorbanan.

Dalam kekalutan mengulit kitab-kitab kuliyyah, alhamdulillah diberi juga kesempatan untuk meghadami sebuah buku yang rasanya elok ditatap oleh mereka yang berjiwa seorang pejuang dan berusaha meletakkan Islam di tempat ulya.Mudahan nuqtah hammah ini memberikan satu injeksi kepada diri kita bersama dalam menghadapi tribulasi mendatang.

Dipetik dari Buku Salah Addin al-Ayubi, Hero of The Battle of Hatin And Liberator of JerusalemFrom Crusaders (Abdullah Nasih Ulwan) Transleted by :Khalifa Ezzat Abu Zaid.

"Umar Ibn Khattab wrote to Saad Ibn Abi Waqas when he went to conquer Persia:
"I command you to fear Allah whatever the case maybe, as fear of Allah is the best preparation for the enemy and the stronger device in war.

I order you and those who are with you to avoid disobedience and committing the prohibited, as committing the prohibited is the key to the enemy's mastery over us.Muslims triumphed by obedience and submission to Allah and their enemies disobedience to Allah.Obedience to Allah is our strength, as they are more then us in number and preparation.So, if we became equal in committing sins, they will overcame us by their strength.You should realize that the angels record your actions, both bad and good, so you should feel shy.Do not say "our enemy is more disobedient than us so allah's wrath will not afflict us, even if we are wrong."